CaptureSaver (10 Lifetime licenses)
Thanks for the giveaway.

I would like to win a license so I can save entire web sites or pages thereof.
Thank you for the giveaway! I would like to win a license so I could keep locally some of my favorite documentation and tutorial sites and access them even when I'm offline.
Thank you for the giveaway.
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I would like to win this program to capture images, text & links from a websites.
My favorite feature is save web pages to browse offline.
Thanks for the giveaway!
CaptureSaver helps you to capture, store, organize and use the information collected according to your needs.

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thank you very much for giveaway. Heart 
i like a Save a page or picture without opening it feature
i want it because it can save important webpage for me in any situation i want

Thank you for this opportunity.

It can save the entire contents of the webpage in its database, capture only images from websites or capture only the selected text and pictures for reading or for any other offline purpose.
I tried CaptureSaver. I think the most important feature: it saves web pages easily

Thanks for the good giveaway.
tarekma7, thanks for the giveaway

My most favorite feature is that CaptureSaver can help me gather and save selected text,images, and Web pages into an off-line research and reference library.

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Thanks for this giveaway contest

most favorite feature is:
keep only the ones you want.
tarekma7,thanks a lot for the giveaway.

Most favorite feature is that capturesaver can save and search anything from from the Internet.
so I can capture the useful information for my blog with captureSaver.

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