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[Image: speedbox_243x172.png]


Internet-Accelerator + Ping optimizer

cFosSpeed increases your throughput and reduces your Ping.
Keep your internet fast during heavy upload/download
Improve your Ping for online games
Reduce audio/video streaming problems
Wi-Fi access point 
cFos Traffic Shaping for smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices.

cFosSpeed optimizes your Internet connections with Traffic Shaping and Prioritization . 

For all access types: DSL, Cable, Mobile Broadband (2G/3G), Wi-Fi, etc. 

[Image: cfos-logo-wifi.png]

Enable cFos Traffic Shaping for smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices.
 Configuration of the cFosSpeed Wi-Fi access point
cFosSpeed now has a context menu option to start and configure (or stop) the Wi-Fi access point easily.

If your PC is connected to the router via Wi-Fi, you can share the same adapter for the ad hoc Wi-Fi access point. Or you can use the Wi-Fi adapter exclusively for the Wi-Fi access point if your PC is connected to the router via network cable. In this case the Wi-Fi bandwidth is fully available for your mobile devices, like smartphone or tablet.

When you have cFosSpeed installed on this PC, the Wi-Fi data is routed through cFosSpeed and, via its Layer-7 protocol detection, cFosSpeed can prioritize the traffic. If you frequently use smartphones and tablets for VoIP or streaming traffic, like music or movies, we recommend to add a Wi-Fi adapter to your PC and route the traffic of your mobile devices through this PC and cFosSpeed.

Wi-Fi access point

Enable cFos Traffic Shaping for smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices.

Overview of the cFosSpeed menu (context menu)
Overview of the cFosSpeed menu (context menu)
Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 allow you to use your Wi-Fi adapter as an ad hoc Wi-Fi access point. So other devices can connect to your PC (instead of directly to the Wi-Fi router) and therefore can benefit from cFosSpeed Traffic Shaping.

Configuration of the cFosSpeed Wi-Fi access point
Configuration of the cFosSpeed Wi-Fi access point
cFosSpeed now has a context menu option to start and configure (or stop) the Wi-Fi access point easily.

If your PC is connected to the router via Wi-Fi, you can share the same adapter for the ad hoc Wi-Fi access point. Or you can use the Wi-Fi adapter exclusively for the Wi-Fi access point if your PC is connected to the router via network cable. In this case the Wi-Fi bandwidth is fully available for your mobile devices, like smartphone or tablet.

When you have cFosSpeed installed on this PC, the Wi-Fi data is routed through cFosSpeed and, via its Layer-7 protocol detection, cFosSpeed can prioritize the traffic. If you frequently use smartphones and tablets for VoIP or streaming traffic, like music or movies, we recommend to add a Wi-Fi adapter to your PC and route the traffic of your mobile devices through this PC and cFosSpeed.

[Image: wlan-access-point-setup_en.png]  [Image: wlan-access-point_en.png]

Troubleshooting using faster IP address assignment

When the PC is used as a Wi-Fi access point, it also uses Internet Connection Sharing and typically assigns IP addresses via DHCP to your mobile device. During the DHCP address negotiation, possible IP addresses are checked for duplicates by means of ARP requests. This address verification can take several seconds which is too long for some devices, so they timeout and cannot get the assigned IP address. We therefore added a workaround for such devices. To activate it you need to use the following command in the console: 

[Image: 0DnmLcZ.jpg]

In the list of network connections the red cross next to "Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter" should have been disappeard.
Right click in the list of network connections on the active Internet connection and select "Properties" from the menu. Click the "Sharing" tab, and then select the "Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s Internet connection" check box. 
Under "Home networking connection" select the connection that shows the "Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter" in the list of network connections. 

Confirm with "OK". 

Our users could speed up their downloads to 172% with cFosSpeed's RWIN Expansion.

[Image: accelerate-172.png]

Videos showing the benefits of activating "Automatic RWIN expansion"

[b]See how cFosSpeed improves Internet Explorer downloads [/b]

See how cFosSpeed improves Mozilla Firefox downloads 

See how cFosSpeed improves Cygwin SCP downloads 

Prioritization - Your important streams first

[Image: prioritization-dialog_en.png]

Program prioritization

 "cFosSpeed 7.0 - Temporary Prioritization of Connections"

First cFosSpeed tries to detect the Layer 7 Protocol for each connection. If it is not detected (i.e. the protocol is UNKNOWN) or the priority of the detected protocol is "normal", then the program detection is used to determine the priority.

A special case is the HTTP stream detection. If the detected protocol is HTTP, cFosSpeed tries to detect, if it is a video or audio stream. This works as follows:

If the user agent is one of the well-known players or has the substring "player" in it, cFosSpeed categorizes the connection as HTTP_STREAM_C or HTTP_STREAM_S. Otherwise if the content-type is audio or video it categorizes the connection as BSTREAM_C or BSTREAM_S. The BSTREAM_C/S connections are prioritized as "normal" so that the actual priority is determined by the program prioritization.
This allows you, for example in uncertain cases, to prioritize it according to your program use.

Prioritization - Your important streams first

[Image: prioritization-dialog-450_en.png]

You can adjust the priority of the most common network protocols, so all programs using it automatically have the right priority. In addition you can configure the priority of individual programs. This means downloads don't cause lag while gaming or viewing videos, for example. 

Overview of connections / On-the-fly prioritization of connections

[Image: prioritization-console-450_en.png]

In one glance you see which programs use your bandwidth. cFosSpeed let's you temporary change the priority to speed up transfers or reduce latency for time-critical applications. 

1 ) Decrease priority 
2 ) Increase priority

Overview of connections

On-the-fly prioritization of connections

[Image: prioritization-console_en.png]

Messages In This Thread
cFosSpeed - by asus73 - 08-24-2016 , 12:17 PM
RE: cFosSpeed - by baziroll - 08-24-2016 , 01:41 PM
RE: cFosSpeed - by Askanag - 08-24-2016 , 04:47 PM
RE: cFosSpeed - by scot - 08-24-2016 , 05:50 PM
RE: cFosSpeed - by tarekma7 - 08-24-2016 , 07:07 PM
RE: cFosSpeed - by Mohammad - 08-25-2016 , 02:33 AM
RE: cFosSpeed - by Geo - 08-25-2016 , 03:27 AM
RE: cFosSpeed - by sterchin - 08-25-2016 , 04:40 AM
RE: cFosSpeed - by neutrinos - 08-26-2016 , 03:48 PM

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